Clinic Academy on Embodia
Managing your Clinic Academy
Adding your first course
Courses overview
Creating exercise/patient education templates for your Clinic Academy on Embodia
Attendees overview on a Clinic Academy
Course instructors
Course coupons
Getting paid - Stripe connect
Making a course available to members only
Editing your clinic portal homepage
Managing the settings in your Clinic Academy
Please note that this feature is only accessible to the clinic manager.
Please note that this feature is only available for Academy Pro.
Course coupons can be created to provide discounts on courses. Course coupons can be:
- Global: They can be used by any patient and applied to any course;
- Global and specific to a patient: They can be used only by the selected patient and can be applied to any course;
- Specific to some courses: They can be used by any patient, and can only be applied to the courses you selected;
- Specific to some courses and a patient: They can be used only by the selected patient, and can only be applied to the courses you selected.
Managing and creating coupon codes
To manage the course coupons for your academy, go to your clinic page and click on My clinic > Academy:
Click on the Course coupons tab:
To add a new coupon, click on New Coupon and fill out the form:
Please note:
- The coupon code name must be unique. We automatically generate a unique code for you. You can override it but you might get an error if you changed it to a name that has already been used.
- By default, the coupon code is valid to be used by any patient. If you would like to restrict who can have access to this coupon code, you can select a patient from the patient dropdown (outlined in the red box in the image above).
- The Max use count is the maximum number of times this coupon code can be used by the same patient. For instance, having a Max use count of 2 and not restricting the coupon to a specific patient will allow each patient to use the coupon twice.
Restricting coupon codes to certain courses
To restrict the coupon code to certain courses, from the course coupons page, click on the name of the coupon. On the course coupon page, select the course from the dropdown list and click Submit.